Photo Credit: Ruth Chambers, Davis, Calif.
Yes, that's lyricist Ralph Scott and lyricist-composer Daniel Leo Simpson riding a lit barbecue grill for a butt-roasting 8 seconds. The drycleaner never wants to see 'em again. And the S.F.F.D. put out the last coal...for good.  Guess we're going to have to drag our butts back to studio and write a few more hot lyrics and burning love melodies instead.  Twenty jeans and 15 years later, we're still here!

Now YOU can play a major role in distributing a potential future hit single. 

Our Collaborators
Gifted singer songwriter Tina Kyriakis joined our writing team in 2009.  
Howz that for a name ripped from the rodeo circuit!  And man can she cook!